New LEGO Harry Potter Game Reportedly in the Works

A new LEGO Harry Potter game is reportedly in the works. Harry Potter is one of the biggest brands in all of entertainment. The books took the world by storm and a series of films followed, raking in billions at the box office. The impact they had is immeasurable, but it has lost some of its luster in recent years. The Fantastic Beasts movies started out with decent reception, but got progressively worse until it became evident that Warner Bros. had no interest in making the remaining sequels that it had initially hoped to put out. However, Hogwarts Legacy showed there is still love for the Harry Potter universe on a major level. The game sold an absurd amount of copies in just days of its release and the momentum may be sustained by a different developer.

In a new report from NintendoLife, it was reported that TT Games has canceled a bunch of LEGO games and other projects in addition to a new Batman game and Mandalorian DLC for The Skywalker Saga having stalled out. The studio is putting a lot of energy into another major project, however: a new LEGO Harry Potter game. However, this isn't going to be an adaptation of Fantastic Beasts or even Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (a play from JK Rowling that continues Potter's story), it's something else. It's believed this project will be more like LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and serve as one big, refined collection of the LEGO Harry Potter games. Although TT Games has made LEGO Harry Potter games, they're likely going to start from scratch just as they did with Star Wars.

As of right now, this isn't confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt. It doesn't seem remotely out of the question, but it may still be years away. TT Games just shipped its most recent game at the start of 2022, so there's likely a long road ahead for whatever its next big project is.

Do you want a new LEGO Harry Potter game? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.